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Assist Travel / Transport

Assist Travel / Transport

Transport allowance and transport allowance enables participants to access disability supports outside their home, and to achieve the goals in their plan. If participants have questions about their transport support, providers may direct them to the NDIS factsheet available on the NDIS website. General Transport This support item allows a participant pays a provider to transport them to an activity that is not itself a support – or to a support that is delivered by another provider. This enables the participant to travel to and from appointments or their place of work.

A participant will generally be able to access funding through the NDIS for transport assistance if the participant cannot use public transport without substantial difficulty due to their disability. Funding considers any relevant taxi subsidy scheme, and it does not cover transport assistance for carers to transport their family member with a disability for everyday commitments.

Our Mission

To provide high quality and flexible services, which promote human rights, empower participants, and create opportunities for life of their choice.

Our Vision

To ensure a dignified, healthy, and respectful society for all people with disabilities who may be equal participants as others.

Our Goal

To deliver the best information to our customers to help them live a comfortable and independent life and make them independent.

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